Jennifer Pell Gordon
(617) 779-7369

Summary: I seek a technical communication career where I can apply my knowledge of writing, chemistry, teaching, and laboratory work. As my breadth of experience demonstrates, I am a well-organized self-starter. With my knack for learning software, I can contribute to a project as soon as I start it.


1999 Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Thesis advisors: Profs. Hans-Conrad zur Loye and Dietmar Seyferth. GPA 4.2/5.0. Thesis title: I. Sol-Gel Deposition of Oxide-Ion Conducting Thin Films; II. Liquid Precursors to Hafnium and Tantalum Carbides.
1993 M.S., Chemistry, Brandeis University. Thesis advisor: Prof. Irving Epstein.
B.A., Chemistry (Minor: Mathematics), Brandeis University. Graduated summa cum laude, with Highest Honors in Chemistry. GPA 3.97/4.00 (Includes grades for M.S.).

Writing Experience

2000-present Publications Editor for Materials Processing Center/Microphotonics Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Responsible for developing story ideas, researching, writing, producing, and distributing periodic newsletter. Collected submissions and produced two annual reports for print and electronic distribution. Created content and edited design ideas for assorted Center marketing collateral and for presentations.
Managed multiple websites, including (Linux) server administration, page content development and design, and light CGI scripting.
Sundry other projects, plus managment of design/layout assistant and functioning as ad hoc computer help desk.
1999- 2000 Aspen Systems, Inc.
Researched and proposed innovative solutions to DoD and NASA materials and technology problems. Presented technical and commercial justifications for grants. Wrote regular progress updates for technical and non-expert DARPA grant monitor. Wrote brief manuals for laboratory instrumentation.
1996-1999 MIT, Graduate research/consulting for Foster-Miller, Inc.
Explored cost, scale-up, and intellectual property issues surrounding the project. Wrote periodic progress updates for non-expert audience and interacted with project manager at Foster-Miller.
1996-1998 Young Israel of Brookline.
Newsletter editor. Wrote, solicited, edited, and laid out articles.
1993-1996 MIT, Graduate research.
Wrote thesis and papers for expert audience about the project. Contributed sections to grant proposals.
1993-1996 MIT, Chemistry Department Teaching Assistant (TA).
Wrote course materials, including "how-to" and background documents for laboratory class.
1990-1993 Brandeis University, Undergraduate research.
Wrote thesis. Contributed sections to grant proposals.
1991-1993 Brandeis University, Double Visions SF Magazine. Editor. Responsible for obtaining student government and advertising funds. Edited student-submitted stories. Editor-in-chief, 1992-1993. Coordinated team of four editors. Recruited new members to ensure leadership continuity.

Supervisory/Teaching Experience

1993 - 1998 MIT, Chemistry Dept.
Teaching assistant (TA). Taught chemistry recitation and labs for eight semesters. Head TA, general chemistry lab, two semesters. Coordinated and trained other TAs.
1994 - 1996 Trained undergraduate researchers in techniques and data analysis in the zur Loye and Seyferth labs.
1996 - 1999 Group Safety Officer, Seyferth Group. Implemented new EPA and local waste regulations. Trained new researchers in OSHA and EPA safety procedures.
1993 - 1996 Hazardous Waste Disposal Coordinator, zur Loye Group.
1992 - 1993 Brandeis University Chemistry Dept.
Teaching Assistant (TA). Taught chemistry labs two semesters and two summers. Head TA, summer lab course. Coordinated and trained other TAs. Resolved conflicts between students and TAs.
1991 - 1992 Brandeis University Student Support Services.
Tutor. Helped students individually and in groups of up to fifteen in chemistry, physics, and writing.
1991 - 1992 Brandeis University Riflery Team.
Course Director. Organized firearms safety, marksmanship courses.

Business-Related Experience

1989 - 1991 Brandeis University Co-op Service.
Inventory Co-ordinator. Responsible for book inventory and accounting. Introduced bar code-based book tracking system.
1988 - 1991 Computer Identics Corporation.
General Office Assistant: in-house "temp" in the Purchasing, Stock, Shipping, and Drafting Departments.
1987 - 1988 W.R. Scanlon Inc.
General Office Assistant: posted A/R and A/P entries, maintained pesticide application records in accordance with relevant regulations.

Professional Affiliations

American Chemical Society
Materials Research Society


1993-1996 NSF Predoctoral Fellowship
1992-1993 Fannie & John Hertz Foundation Research Fellowship Grant
Rishon M. Bialer Memorial Prize, Best Student, School of Science
Doris Brewer Cohen Endowment Award
Nathan and Bertha Richter Award for Research Excellence
1992 Phi Beta Kappa election, junior year
1991 Brandeis University Scholar, School of Science
NSF/REU Summer Research Fellowship
Barry M. Goldwater Excellence in Education Award
1989-1993 Hiatt Challenger Memorial Scholarship

Scientific Publications

Reprints available on request. Presentations at Materials Research Society Symposium and Gordon Research Conference, 1995.

Other Selected Writing Samples

References and more writing samples available on request.

Experienced with PC (Windows 9X) and Mac (OS 9.X) platforms, familiar with UNIX environment. Proficient with Microsoft Office and Adobe software products; familiar with LaTeX, emacs, Micrografix ABC Graphics Suite, ChemDraw, Chem Window DB, RoboHelp, others. Have used AutoCAD, FrontPage Express, Web Publish. Familiar with "by hand" HTML coding, Dreamweaver, GoLive.